why is it called a blowjob

Having a blowjob is a very pleasurable and enjoyable sexual activity. It is not only very pleasurable and enjoyable, it is also a very healthy activity that will help improve your general health.

Ancient Greeks loved blowjobs

During the ancient Greeks’ time, blowjobs between men were a part of their culture. They gave the act a poetic name: playing the flute. In fact, the first documented blowjob happened between the Egyptian god-king Osiris and his wife. The wife blew life into Osiris by sucking on a makeshift dick she fashioned out of clay.

Blowjobs are an indicator of witches. A woman who gave one while drunk could get executed. In ancient Greece, women were considered walking incubators.

As with most ancient Greek culture, there were no clear-cut terms for gay and straight. During the early Christian Church, oral sex was condemned as an evil. The early Christian Church punished anyone who performed oral sex with seven years of penance.

Oral sex was also considered humiliating to the performer. People who performed oral sex were called fellatrices.

Several erotic scenes were found in Pompeii’s bathhouses. They depicted group sex and lesbian sex. They were painted on everything from graffiti to bathhouse murals.

They’re a fun and pleasurable sexual activity

Keeping the big kahuna on ice is no small feat. As such, you should aspire to perform the mantle of the male of the pack. You could be tasked with the duty of a poop scoop or two depending on your sexio status. To help you score the aforementioned trifecta, the following tips of thumb. Upon your requisite sexio treatment, be prepared to have your kilohms. The following tips of thumb: (a) scoot to the backseat for privacy; (b) slink to the bedroom; (c) scoot to the backseat; (d) slink to the backseat. While it isn’t a given that the following three mates will be in your wingman swarm, make sure to make the most of it.